Where do you ship from and where can you ship to?

All plants are shipped from southeastern Pennsylvania. We ship plants to all states in the USA except Hawaii due to strict shipping restrictions. Unfortunately we are unable to ship Internationally.

All plants are shipped USPS Priority Mail. If you would like to upgrade to express or overnight, please send us an email! 

Can I safely order plants in the winter?

Yes! We ship from Pennsylvania where we experience low temperatures and because of this, from November through April, winter protection (heat packs and insulation) are included with ALL ORDERS!

April-October, if you are experiencing temperatures below 50° F day or night, please add the heat pack and insulation bundle to your order. This ensures proper protection for your plants. We cannot guarantee live arrival of plants during temperatures below 50° F without this bundle.  

Should I repot my new plant right away?

No you should not! All of our plants have been repotted into their proper soil mixture with room for the roots to continue to grow! We use pots with lots of drainage holes as well so your new babies will be good to go for a while once they arrive to you. If for some reason you feel like you HAVE TO repot, please wait at least two weeks from the arrival date in order to allow your plant to acclimate to its new environment and reduce stress. 

Stress from immediate repotting can result in losing your plant. We cannot refund or replace plants due to poor plant handling.

When will you restock?

Restocks will take place randomly as needed. Please follow our social media pages to stay up to date on future restocks.

My plant arrived with a few yellowing leaves; can I have a refund?

Plants are alive and because of this, they experience their own version of stress. Shipping is a stressful experience to them, and it is normal for your plant to arrive with some yellowing, dropping, etc. Remove any yellowing leaves and give your plant a drink of water if it needs it, and let it relax. Plants take 2-4 weeks time to fully acclimate to their new environment. 

I have pets, can I still have plants in my home?

Absolutely! Please visit our “Non-Toxic” page for plants that are safe for your fur babies (cats and dogs only). 

Legal Disclaimer: 

All metaphysical properties and their descriptions should never be taken as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business advice/help and are subject to your own personal judgement. For legal reasons, these descriptions are for entertainment purposes only.